Pre Mauryan Dynasties History Study Notes

Pre Mauryan Dynasties – History Study Stuff & Notes

Reasons for the rise of Magadha among all Mahajanapadas:

The rise of Magadha: Magadha emerged as a prosperous and powerful state in all the states of India. It emerged from these factors in ancient India:

The place of Magadha was in the upper and lower parts of the Gangetic valley, it was very beneficial.

The area had fertile soil, which was of great use for agriculture.

Rajgir, capital of Magadha  had reserves of iron ore.

There were copper and iron reserved near Gaya.

Magadha was situated on the trade highways which contributed to its wealth making.

Three important dynasties in pre-mauryan world:

1. Haryanka Dynasty - There are two famous rulers of this dynasty, let us consider the details.

Bimbisara -  His contemporaries were Mahavira and Buddha. They took control of Anga to occupy the southern trade routes and they strengthened their position by involving themselves in matrimonial alliances.

Ajatashatru -  He fortifies the village of Pataliputra for war action against Vaishali. He also called the first Buddhist Council at the Rajgriha. The sculptures of Barhut show him meeting the Buddha.

Udayin -  He established the city of Pataliputra on the banks of the river Ganges and the Son.

2. Saisunga dynasty - The founder of Saisunga dynasty was Sisunga, who shifted his capital from Pataliputra to Vaishali.

Kalashoka or Kakavarman -   The second Buddhist Council convened at Vaishali by Kalashoka or Kakavarman.

3. Nanda Dynasty - It is considered the first non-Kshatriya dynasty of rulers. They were prosperous and had a large empire.

Mahapadma Nanda - He was the founder who assumed the title of 'Ekarat' to overthrow all Kshatriya dynasties. His described  in Hathigumpha inscription of Kharvela of kalinga.

Dhana Nanda - He was the last Nanda ruler. Because of them, the Nandas got a lot of wealth, which is mentioned in the work done by the 'Ahananuru' of Mamulanar.

Invasion by Alexander:

Alexander crossed the Hindukush Mountains in 327 BCE and spent 10 months in battle with the tribes. After this, he crossed the Indus and went to the ruler of Taxila, Ambhi welcomed him. Alexander offers to keep Porus under his control but Porus refuses his offer and decides to fight against Alexander.

Therefor, Alexander marched from Taxila to the banks of the river Jhelum (Hydaspace). Porus lost the battle after fighting with courage and valor. Alexander was impressed by his abilities and gave him back his throne. Alexander then retreated as his soldiers refused to fight.

Impact of Alexander's invasion:

This invasion encouraged the integration of northern India under the Mauryas, as we shall study further. This contact with the Greeks developed relations between India and Greece. This direct contact opened up trade avenues through Alexander's arrival. Therefore, overall trade relations developed between India and West Asia.

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