Sangam Age


Sangam Age – History Study Notes & Stuff

From the first century BC to the end of the second century AD, it is known as Sangam age in southern India. It is named after the Sangam Academies during that period.

Sangam was an assembly of Tamil poets organized under the royal patronage of the Pandya kings at Madurai.

According to the Tamil legends, Three sangams were held in ancient South India, called Muchchangam.

  • the first sangam was attended by Gods and Legendary sages all its work have perished and it was held in Madurai. There is no literary work available at this sangam.
  • The Second Sangam was held at Kapadapuram, the only Tolkappiyam survives from this, an early work on Tamil grammar written by Tolakappiyar.
  • The Third Sangam held at Madurai was founded by Mudathirumaran. Some of these Tamil literary have survived and are a useful source to recreate the history of the Sangam age.

Sangam Literature:

Sangam literature - Tolkappiyam, Ettutogai, Pattuppattu, Pathinenkilkanakku 

Epics named - Silappathigaram, Manimegalai, Sivaga Sindamani

  • Tolkappiyam was written by Tolkappiyar, it is considered to be the earliest of Tamil literary works. Although it is a work on Tamil grammar, it also provides information on the political and socio-economic conditions of the time.
  • Ettutogai (8 Anthologies) consist of eight works – Narrinai, Aingurunooru, Aganaooru, Purananooru, Kalittogai, Kuruntogai, Paripadal and Padirruppattu.
  • Pattuppattu (10 idylls) consist of ten works - Thirumurugarruppadai, Porunararruppadai, Perumpanarruppadai, Sirupanarruppadai, Mullaippattu, Nedunalvadai, Maduraikkanji, Kurinjippatttu, Pattinappalai  and  Malaipadukadam .
  • Patinenkilkanakku (18 didactical texts) contains eighteen works. The most important of these works is Tirukkural written by the great Tamil poet and philosopher Tiruvalluvar.

The Epics:

  • Silappadikaram :It iwas written by Ilango Adigal and it deals with the story of Kovalan and Madhavi of Kaveripattinam. It was called Illiyad of Tamil poetry.
  • Manimekalai: it was written by Sittalai sattanar. It is related to the adventures of Kovalan and Madhavi's daughter Manimekalai. It is the sequel to Silappadikaram and is strongly associated with Buddhism.
  • Sivaga Sindamani (Jivaka Chintamani) : It was written by Jain Tirututradevas and is strongly associated with Jainism.

Other sources giving details about the Sangam age are –

  • Greek writers such as Strabo, Megasthenes, Pliny, and Ptolemy referred to commercial trade contacts between West and South India.
  • In addition, Ashoka's inscriptions mention the Chera, Chola and Pandya rulers to the south of the Mauryan Empire.
  • Another inscription, the Hathigumpha inscription of Kharavela of Kalinga, also mentions Tamil states.

Political History of Sangam Period:

The area, south of the Krishna and Tungabhadra rivers is called South India. During the Sangam age, it was ruled by the Cheras, Cholas and Pandya dynasties. The main source of information about these states is the literary references of the Sangam period.


  • The Cheras ruled the major parts of modern Kerala / Malabar regions.
  • The capital of Cheras was Vanji and its main ports were Tondi and Muzris.
  • The symbol of cheras is "bow and arrow" and they had the palmyra flowers as their garland.
  • The Pugalur inscription of the first century AD refers to three generations of Chera rulers.
  • The important ruler of Cheras was Senguttuvan or Red chera and it is said that he invaded the north, even crossed the Ganges.
  • His military achievements are written in the epic Silapathikaram, which details his expedition to the Himalayas, where he defeated many North Indian rulers.
  • Senguttuvan was also the founder of the famous Pattini cult related to worship of goddess of chastity-Kannagi.


  • The Chola kingdom, called Cholamandalam, was situated to the north-east of the Pandya kingdom between the rivers Pennar and Vellar.
  • Cholas capital was firstly at Uraiyaur (famous place for cotton trade) and later shifted to Puhar(Tanjore).
  • Karikala (man with charred leg) was a greatest king of the Sangam Cholas who founded Puhar.
  • The symbol of the Cholas was "tiger".
  • Pattinappalai is a Tamil poem in the ancient Sangam literature and portrays his life and military conquests.
  • Several Sangam Poems mention the Battle of Venni where he defeated Cheras, Pandyas and eleven minor chieftains.
  • He also fought at Vahaipparandalai, in which nine enemy chieftains were presented before him.
  • Therefore, Karikala military achievements made him the overlord of the entire Tamil country.
  • Hence, Trade and commerce flourished during his reign.
  • He constructed 160 km of embankment near Kaveri river with the help of 12,000 Sri lankan slaves.


  • The Pandyas ruled present-day southern Tamil Nadu and the Tamil Nadu included the modern districts of Tirunelveli, Ramnad and Madurai. Their capital at Madurai, situated on the banks of the Vaigai River.
  • King nendujelian also known as Aariya Padai kadantha Neduncheliyan. He accused Kovalan of theft. As a result, the curse of Kovalan’s wife-Kannagi destroyed Madurai.
  • Maduraikanakaji was written by Mangudi Maruthanar in which describes the socio-economic condition of Korakai's rise.

Sangam administration:

Hereditary monarchy was the form of government during the Sangam period. In all the dynasties of the Sangam age, each had a royal emblem - a tiger for the Cholas, a carp for the Pandyas and a bow for the Cheras.

  • The king was assisted by a wide body of important officials (panchmahasabha).
  • They were classified into five councils: Amaichchar (Ministers), pyrohitar (Priest), Dutar (Envoys), Senapatiyar (Commander), Orar (Spies).
  • The military administration was efficiently organized with each ruler who was attached to a regular army.
  • The main source of income of the state was land revenue and a custom duty was also imposed on foreign trade.
  • Main source of fulfilling the royal treasury was the booty collected in wars.
  • The road and highway were maintained and, also guarded to prevent robbery and smuggling.

Position of Women during Sangam Age:

There is a lot of information available in the Sangam literature to understand the position of women during the Sangam age.

  • There were women poets like Nachchellaiyar, Avvaiyar and Kakkaipadiniyar who contributed to Tamil literature.
  • Love marriages were common at that time and women were allowed to choose their life partner.
  • However, the lives of widows were pathetic.
  • But, practice of sati was prevalent among the higher classes of the society.

Economy of the Sangam Age:

  • Agriculture was the main occupation and rice was the most common crop.
  • The handicraft included weaving, carpentry and metal works, making of ornaments (using beads, stones and ivory) and ship building.
  • All the above products were in great demand in internal and external trade as it was at its peak during the Sangam age.
  • Various poems mention of cotton clothes as thin as a cloud of steam or like a slough of snake, indicating a high degree of expertise in spinning and weaving of cotton and silk cloths. Woven cotton cloth was in great demand in the Western world, especially in Uraiyur.
  • The port city of Puhor became an important place for foreign trade, as large ships entered this port with valuable cargo. Other important ports of commercial activity: Korakai, Thedi, Musiri, Araikamedu and Marakkanam.
  • Many gold and silver coins issued by Roman emperors such as Tiberius, August and Nero have been found in most parts of Tamil Nadu, indicating trade links.
  • Main imports for traders were gold, horses and sweet liquor.

We hope that this short notes about Sangam Age is useful for your quick revision. If you want us to add any more details to this article, please do let us know in the comments below.

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